2017-2020 Center of Excellence in Childhood Obesity Foundation of Stars -CEFDE
2018 1rst scientific forum on the problematic of obesity among young people
2018-2020 Strategic research plan
2019 Research funding – Grants awarded by the CEFDE
Axis 1: Personal and family (young researcher grant)
The Self-Discovery educational program: a self-management tool to help children suffering from overweight or obesity.
Louise Savard, master's student in education at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi, under the supervision of Dr. Manon Doucet, doctor in educational sciences, professor at the University of Quebec in Chicoutimi and researcher at the Centre de recherche et d’intervention sur la réussite scolaire (CRIRES).
Axis 2: Professional
Validation study of the Jeunes Obèses, Qualité de Vie (JOQV) questionnaire
Dr. Natalie Alméras, Ph. D. in kinesiology and researcher at CRIUCPQ-UL
Dr. Vicky Drapeau, Ph.D., Dt.P, professor in the Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Educational Sciences at Laval University as well as researcher at CRIUCPQ-UL and INAF
Intercenter collaboration: CRIUCPQ-UL (Natalie Alméras and Vicky Drapeau), University of Lille, France (Dre Rousseau and Dr Guerrien)
Axis 3: Societal
Bouger à l’heure juste en milieu scolaire pour une saine gestion du poids corporel
Dr. Marie-Ève Mathieu, Ph. D. Physical Activity Sciences, Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology and Physical Activity Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montreal and Regular Researcher, CHU Sainte-Justine
Intercenter collaboration: School of Kinesiology, sc. act. phys. from the University of Montreal and CHU Ste-Justine Research Center (Marie-Ève Mathieu), CRIUCPQ-UL (Vicky Drapeau), Co-researcher in Europe (David Thivel), CISSS de la Montérégie, École Jacques-Barclay (project site)
2020 Research funding – Grant awarded in collaboration with the CMDO (Réseau de recherche en santé cardiométabolique, diabète et obésité)
Évaluation fonctionnelle de la régulation de la prise alimentaire chez les préadolescents par IRM: une étude pilote.
Dr. Luigi Bouchard, TM, Ph. D. MBA. Department of Biochemistry University of Sherbrooke, CIUSSS Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean
Intercenter collaboration: Sherbrooke University (Kevin Whittingstall, Jean-François Lepage, Patrice Perron, Kasandra Blais), Harvard Medical School, USA (Marie-France Hivert) and Laval University (Julie Robitaille)
2020 International Research Fellowship Program – CEFDE
This program aimed at supporting young researchers of international renown to start their careers and return to their country as experts.
Dr Jean-Philippe Drouin-Chartier, Dt.P. Ph.D. Researcher at the Nutrition, Health and Society (NUTRISS) center of the Institute of Nutrition and Functional Foods (INAF), Laval University.
Postdoctoral internship in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health